alex's scattering

so this blog is the scattering of my brain whenever i feel like i need to write down the craziness of my world before it pours out of my mouth forcing some unsuspecting victim to listen to it all! be prepared for lots of randomness now that im a student and working for God!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

two blogs in one day!
just felt the need to vent my... disappointment i guess. two of my friends got engaged recently which is ace but i read today how he proposed and it was almost identical to one of my day dreams about phil and i. really odd reading almost word for word your own day dream. guess it just reminded me how far away it is from reality. oh well, good for them!

wow ages since ive written on here! afraid ive been sucked in by facebook and the fact that poele reply when i write things on there!

so much has been going on that my feet dont seem to have really touched the ground! ive started my final term of my first year at uni which seems really scary as its gone far too quickly.

my little car (recently nicknamed the alex mobile by jill) is unfortunately poorly and had to be taken to the garage today. not so good...

but i have just realised that its only 16 days till i get to see my man! yay! and its my mum's bday on friday and i love birthdays!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

well my play was amazing and im so glad that i got to go and see it. also had a great time at my grandparents. ate lots of yummy food and went on some lovely long waks on the beach. then had a great few days with phil. unfortunately went far to quickly and i now have to wait until 23rd march to see him again, sigh

found i hve loads of work to do for uni tho so its probably a good thing that i don have him distracting me

FAIRTRADE FORNIGHT STARTS ON MONDAY all go and find out something about fairtrade and make sure you start buying fairtrade when you can!!!!! very passionate about ths subject. just painted agiant fairtrade symbol for an assembly tomoz. v exciting

hehe and someone commented on my blog yay

Saturday, February 10, 2007

just had a fantastic sleepover at church with my youth group. was great fun and i got 6 hours sleep which is quite impressive. we made this really yummy calorific fridge cake too which was soooo good!
gooing to the theatre this afternoon. was meant to go wednesady but silly bomb scare meant it was cancelled. still something exciting to look forward to today.
and going to grandparents monday yay!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

have yuo ever had one of those moments when you find something out about a good friend that makes you think 'i dont know you' 'you arent the person i thort you were'

cos i had one of thse moments about God on monday. i was reading the bit in Joshua where they go round and massacre loads of villages, women and children included, bcause apparently God had commanded it.

Ive read it before but monday felt like id discovered something completely new. how can a God who says he loves me and wants me to be happy, the God who said do not muder and offers forgiveness, also be a God who orders the slaughter of all those inncoent people?

think im going to have to find a pretty good book or theory to convince me on this one

Saturday, January 20, 2007

washed and cleaned my car today. at long last! i hoovered inside, polished windows and washed outside and put up a comical homer simpson air freshener. yay clean car at last!

also read two more books for uni. yay!

and two of my housemates surprised me with birthday presents today. so exciting! had two beautiful picture frames.

so its been a generally good day. good weather, good walk this morning, washed hair and spoke to phil. and im ending the day with a meal out at church- 'feast for a fiver'. apparently they have cooked a two course fairtrade meal for us. sounds good, and the best bit is my mum paid as a thankyou for doing a favour yesterday.

so despite a rubbish nights sleep (thanks liam for that 1am phonecall!) it's been a good day

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

my gym membership runs out at the end of the month so ive been thinking of other ways that i can keep fit. wanted to take up a sport or activity once a week and would really love to do ice skating. having investigated this the nearest one isnt all that near but i could go. they also do lessons that arent that expensive which would be cool cos i really cant ice skate very well (i dont know how to stop other that hitting the side or falling over!). but the lessons are on saturdays and im forever doing things on saturdays. i could just go and skate on my day off but seems sad to go on your own and i prob wouldnt improve that much. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dilemas

Saturday, January 06, 2007

moved back into my student house today. much easier this time! hehe.also starting my second term here with pizza take-away from big john's curtosy of my work meeting yay! love my job
also found that i can get reception for kerang so that is cool
went through my reading list for uni expecting to tick loads off as i read around 14 books over xmas but found a lot werent on there! why did i read them!
oh well